Creating this app with mental health in mind, I created an app to make the user's relationship with food a more positive one. By having the user track their food in a way that does include calories or serving sizes, the purpose of the app is to track each day seeing how eating different foods affects their moods/overall well-being. Being Mindful was created to not only change the “diet” culture and all the things that come with food tracking but also push users to track how the foods make them feel vs how the food will affect the scale.

Core is going Digital!
Creating this app to go along with my final Capstone project of re-branding Fanshawe College's Health Sciences OHWC. I was asked to bring their newly re-branded website to life. Since each department has strived for more online booking, it was clear to make a functioning prototype that can be accessed through handheld devices. For this prototype to showcase how the web design works the main goal is a new client wanting to book through their website a general cleaning through Core's Align Dental Department.